Email Signatures

Powerful, simple and secure email signature management for businesses of all sizes.

With Exclaimer, your team’s emails look consistent and accurately represent your business’s brand.

Are you tired of your company’s email signatures displaying inconsistencies depending on device type, lacking essential legal disclaimers, or, worse still, containing errors or inaccurate employee details?

Imagine updating everyone’s email signature with a single click, complete with consistent branding, social media links, legally compliant disclaimers, and more. Automatically appended to every email without any user configuration.

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Microsoft 365 & G Suite

Consistent marketing with simple email signature management.

Exclaimer works by effortlessly integrating with your email environment, supporting Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Exchange. Offering simple email signature management that works an any device without end user configuration.

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Why Choose Exclaimer

Amplify every email with optimised, effective email signatures for your whole organisation.

“A real surprise was the value they have added around our website hosting, and the creativity around little things like email signatures, the value added stuff that isn’t discussed but goes the extra mile to help your business succeed.”

Ruth Oliver-Williams | Director | ProHap

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about Exclaimer Email Signatures for Microsoft 365 & G Suite?

Can Exclaimer for Microsoft 365 & G Suite provide different email signatures?

Yes, you can deploy as many email signatures as you want. For example, you could have specific language versions for users in different countries, signatures for different departments, ones with specific marketing content etc. The template library available is extensive and is being constantly updated by Exclaimer’s signature designers.

Does Exclaimer for Microsoft 365 & G Suite work on mobile phones?

Yes, Signatures for Office 365 guarantees that all mobile devices that send email via Office 365 will have the same high-quality email signatures as desktop users. Users don’t need to log into applications like OWA, Outlook for iOS or Outlook for Android either to get signatures added to their emails.

Can users have different signatures for internal and external emails?

Yes, you can easily create one version of your email signature for internal emails and one for external emails, the system can also auto apply the correct email signature for internal / external emails without user interaction based on rules defined during setup.

Do you offer an email signature design & setup service for Exclaimer?

Yes, we do offer email signature design services for exclaimer, please contact us for a quote.

Our designers also ensure your chosen design will format correctly on mobile devices during setup.

Does Exclaimer for Microsoft 365 & G Suite work on Apple Mac devices?

Yes, Exclaimer for Microsoft 365 and G Suite works on any device used to send email including Apple Mac’s, If you are using mac mail you will not see a preview of the signature however Outlook for mac does show a preview when composing emails.

Email signatures from Exclaimer are automatically appended during the send process in the cloud so they will always be on brand, legally compliant and include links and images.

Why do I need Exclaimer to manage my business email signatures?

Email signatures are often difficult to manage. Users can tamper with signatures, important signature elements can be missed out, and legal compliance messages are often missing.

Mobile devices often don’t offer the functionality to include images and fonts in an email signature meaning your communications often get sent showing a different signature than you would normally use.

Exclaimer for Microsoft 365 & G Suite offers simplified management of your email signatures without the hassle.